Sermon and Group notes


This is the page to find the notes used at Allesley in Coventry. This was a pilot project in preparation for 'Sharing faith the Jesus way'. The notes are simply that, and need adapting for any other situation. Notes were sufficient for our purpose as Robin Trew and I had a weekly meeting to discuss the material.


The sermon notes are offered as a basis for your own preparation. The group discussion notes, however, are more complete, as they appeared on the back of our bulletin sheet.


The 6 week sermon series and accompanying group discussion notes fit the general scheme of the 6 chapters in 'Sharing faith the Jesus way'. We did the sermon series before the book was produced so we do not have experience of having individuals reading the book concurrent with the series - if you do that let me know how it goes!



Here is the 6 week sermon series as a PDF


Here is the 6 week sermon series in Word


Here are the 6 week group discussion notes as a PDF


Here are the 6 week group discussion notes in Word